5 ways to find research studies in the real world
If you’ve ever been to a grocery store, a doctor’s office, or a community center, there’s a good chance that information about research studies has been there! Keep reading to find out 5 more ways you may find research studies in the real world.
- At your doctor’s office. –– Whether you are visiting your primary care doctor or a specialist (like a dermatologist, OB-GYN, or allergist), there may be flyers or brochures about available research studies in their waiting room!
- Ask your provider –– Sometimes, studies don’t advertise because they are looking for very specific participants. Your provider might know about some of these opportunities, or other studies you may be able to take part in. Occasionally, a member of a research team may introduce themselves to you at your appointment if they think you may be a good match for their study. You are always free to say no or think about the opportunity before deciding to participate.
- Facebook groups/support groups –– If you are a member of local Facebook groups or support groups for a medical condition, you may see opportunities for research studies posted. These may not be local opportunities, so be sure to check where the research study is happening.
- Local bulletin boards –– Next time you are grocery shopping or picking up coffee to-go, make sure you look at the bulletin boards. Many research teams advertise using flyers, so there’s a good chance a research study or two may be available in your area.
- Sign up for a registry and let the research team reach out to you –– There are often registries for specific medical conditions and for healthy volunteers interested in getting involved in research. Do an online search for “healthy volunteer registry” or your condition’s name + “registry.” Sites like ResearchMatch.org email you about available studies that might be a good match for you.
Keep your eyes open! Research opportunities are everywhere. Knowing where to look and who to ask is the first step in finding a study that’s a perfect fit!