Participant Bill of Rights
As a research volunteer, you have rights that are protected by federal law and international guidelines. You can always ask the study team to clarify questions you may have. If you have any concerns about your rights in a study, you can contact the IRB and Office of Human Research Ethics.
- To be told the purpose of the study.
- To be told what will happen to you if you take part in the study and whether any procedures, drugs, or devices are different than those that are used in standard medical treatment.
- To be told about all the risks, side effects, or discomforts of the things that will happen to you for research purposes.
- To be told if you can expect any benefit from participating, and if so, what the benefit might be.
- To be told about all options available to you and how they are better or worse than being in a research study.
- To be allowed to ask any questions about the study before signing the consent and/or at any time during the course of the study.
- To be allowed ample time, without pressure, to decide whether or not to consent to participate.
- To be assured that study records will remain confidential to the extent allowed by law.
- To be told what compensation you will receive and what charges you will pay.
- To be told what sort of medical treatment is available if any complications arise.
- To be told about any new findings that may affect your willingness to continue participating in the study.
- To refuse to participate or to change your mind about participating at any time during the study, even after the study has started, without penalty.
- To receive a signed and dated copy of the Informed Consent Form.
- Studies have a set expiration date. No research can be conducted after this date without further review and approval by the IRB.