Purpose: to establish a Registry of pediatric patients treated with proton radiation therapy. Participants: Patients who are less than or equal to 21 years old at time of treatment start and treated with radiation therapy at one of the participating centers. Procedures (methods): This Proton and Photon Consortium Registry (PPCR) enrolls children treated with radiation therapy to form an expansive description of the pediatric population that receives protons and to better catalogue the benefits of protons, in this cohort. The data will also be used to evaluate practice differences and help facilitate collaborative research across the various radiation centers. The PPCR collects an expanded set of demographic and clinical data that will enhance the practice data that many participating radiation centers already collect in their routine operations. The PPCR has been expanded to include a photon-treated control group, helping to facilitate comparative effectiveness analysis.
Thank you for your interest, but this study is recruiting by invitation only.
North Carolina (Statewide)
Dana Casey
Radiation Oncology - Chapel Hill
Clinical or Medical
Cancer (Pediatric Cancers)
Child and Teen Health