The purpose of this study is to determine how people with PD learn to improve their walking. Participants will enroll in 12 walking training sessions, either with or without a metronome that beeps while you walk. The metronome tempo is set to target certain aspects of your walking. We will test your walking before, after, and at 3 months following all training.
At your first visit, you will perform some walking tests and we will take a picture of your brain, using an MRI. You will then train for 12 visits (3 times per week for 4 weeks) to practice walking either with or without a metronome to guide your steps. After your last training visit, we will repeat the walking and MRI testing. You will then return 3 months later for a follow-up to see if any changes to your walking have persisted. Each visit will take about an hour.
up to $265, free parking, information about walking changes, picture of your brain.
ReGaiN Laboratory
Medical School Wing D (UNC-Chapel Hill)
336 Emergency Room Dr, Chapel Hill, NC, 27514, USA
Michael Lewek
Allied Health - Physical Therapy
Clinical or Medical
Physical Disability