To expand our understanding of extreme picky eating or selective eating by studying genetic and environmental causes of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID).
If you are an adult (18+) with AFRID: 1. Provide consent to take the eligibility questionnaire 2. Complete the eligibility questionnaire 3. If you are eligible, provide consent for the full study and your contact information 4. Complete a series of online questionnaire on your computer or smartphone. 5. Send us a saliva DNA sample with the pre-paid package we provide. If you are a parent of a child with ARFID: 1. Provide consent and help child with assent (agreement) forms 2. Complete eligibility questionnaire and contact information 3. Help your child with eligibility questionnaires (if necessary) 4. Complete the parent questionnaires 5. Send us a saliva DNA sample of your child with the pre-paid package we provide.
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Cynthia Bulik
Psychiatry - Research
Behavioral or Social
Chronic Conditions
Eating, Nutrition, and Metabolism
Genetics and Genetic Disorders
Mental and Emotional Health
Parents of Children