People who suffer ACL injuries are at an increased risk for knee osteoarthritis, which can lead to chronic pain and disability. In this study, we want to learn if adding vibration to rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction surgery can improve how your joints move while walking. We also want to learn if this vibration can improve how your muscles work and your quality of life compared to rehabilitation alone. *This study is a collaboration with the UNC Sports Medicine Institute*
You will participate in a 20-week physical therapy rehabilitation program. There are three groups in this study. All of the groups will receive standard care treatment, but groups will also receive different types of vibration. There will also be 3 study visits where we will do some assessments of how you are walking, your muscle function, and an MRI of your knees.
Up to $500, All rehabilitation/physical therapy costs will be covered by the study.
MOTION Science Institute
Fetzer Hall (UNC-Chapel Hill)
210 South Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA
UNC Therapy Services
UNC Wellness Center at Meadowmont
100 Sprunt St, Chapel Hill, NC 27517, USA
Troy Blackburn
Exercise and Sport Science
Clinical or Medical
Bones, Joints, Muscles