This study will collect information about children who have rare types of lung disease to help us understand how better to diagnose and treat these patients. Information will be collected from participants' doctors about how different aspects of their disease and treatment. This will be compared to information from other such patients from other hospitals around the United States. By gathering information on many such patients, we hope to develop best practices for such patients. These may lead to new research studies, which we can invite participants in this study to consider as well.
Thank you for your interest, but this study is recruiting by invitation only.
North Carolina (Statewide)
William Gower
Pediatrics - Pulmonology
Clinical or Medical
Brain, Head, Nervous System
Child and Teen Health
Chronic Conditions
Stomach, Digestion and Gut Health
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Eating, Nutrition, and Metabolism
Genetics and Genetic Disorders
Immune System/Infections
Kidneys and Liver
Lungs and Breathing
Mouth and Teeth
Parents of Children
Physical Disability
Rare Diseases