The purpose of this research study is to evaluate the effects of 7% hypertonic saline (HS) delivered by nebulizer on mucociliary clearance (MCC) - a test that shows the rate at which a person's lungs can clear inhaled particles. We will compare the rate of MCC at baseline (before treatment with HS), with MCC after a single dose of HS (acute treatment), and with MCC after two weeks of treatment with HS twice a day after 12 hours from the last dose of HS (sustained effect). We will also assess response to HS with other outcomes (lung function testing, changes in phlegm/mucus, and survey responses). If we find there is a sustained effect of HS, this would support the use of HS as part of airway clearance for people with bronchiectasis.
Thank you for your interest, but this study is recruiting by invitation only.
United States (Nationwide)
Katherine Despotes
Pediatrics - Pulmonology
Clinical or Medical
Chronic Conditions
Lungs and Breathing