To address the core problem of insufficient safe blood supply for the country, targeting the lowest risk and most receptive population for consistent donation can be successful. The 2018 population census shows that the total population aged 15 to 24 is 3,687,521 out of which 1,905,165 (52%) are males and 17% (645,000/ 3,687,521) live in urban areas clearly showing the large blood donation potential for the country (National Statistical Office, 2019). The two studies conducted in the initial Year 1 and Year 2 of the Malawi BLOODSAFE Project (2020-2022) have provided rich information on temporal and geographical patterns of blood donation and transfusion transmissible infection as well as barriers and facilitators to blood donation. Using this information, we now propose to develop a comprehensive integrated school-based and post-school donation clubs to serve as a foundation that will encourage lifelong donation and improve the supply of safe blood in Malawi.
Thank you for your interest, but this study is recruiting by invitation only.
International (Malawi)
Mina Hosseinipour
Medicine-Infectious Diseases
Clinical or Medical
Blood Conditions
Healthy Volunteer or General Population