The purpose of this study is to use an MRI and other devices to observe the brain and body activity that happens when people feel certain emotions.
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete (a) a pre-screening survey, (b) a 1-hour virtual session on Zoom, (c) a 3-hour in-lab session on UNC-CH's campus, (d) one week completing short surveys on your phone, and (e) a 3-hour fMRI visit on UNCCH's campus. During your first in-person session, we will ask you to complete a behavioral task, take surveys, and wear non-invasive sensors (ECG sensors) on your body. You'll then be asked to wear a FitBit (smartwatch) and complete up to 7 short surveys a day for 7 days. During your last in-person visit, you will be asked to wear sensors on your body and complete an MRI scan.
Up to $255 AND entrance into a raffle for a chance to win one of four $50 AMEX Gift Cards., Picture of your brain; Reimbursement for childcare can be assessed on an as-needed basis.
Requirements for healthy volunteers are different than for those with a specific condition. If you are interested in becoming a healthy volunteer for this study, use the below categories to determine if you are able to participate.
Biomedical Research Imaging Center
Marsico Hall (UNC-Chapel Hill)
125 Mason Farm Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA
Kristen Lindquist
Psychology and Neuroscience
Behavioral or Social
Brain, Head, Nervous System
Heart and Circulation
Healthy Volunteer or General Population
Mental and Emotional Health