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2779 studies match your search
By physician referral or invitation only

Diabetic Wound Study

This study examines whether the use of the COMS One optical and magnetic stimulation device helps promote wound healing in diabetic foot ulcers

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 90 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Diabetes
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry (PHAR)

To 1) measure and improve the quality of care, 2) determine the clinical effectiveness, comparative effectiveness, and cost effectiveness of treatment approaches, 3) understand risk factors for outcomes , and 4) facilitate funded clinical trials of new therapies and collaboration within the pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) community.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Lungs and Breathing
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Moral Perception and Political Ideology

We are trying to understand why liberals and conservatives disagree on some moral issues but not others.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Behavior
  • Opinions and Perceptions
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

SCD Biochip

To develop an SCD Biochip with which to examine key cellular properties and interactions, including RBC and WBC cellular and adhesive properties, and circulating endothelial hematopoietic precursor cell characteristics. To correlate SCD Biochip function in heterogeneous SCD populations, including HbSS and HbSC at a range of ages, and in those with acute and chronic complications and compared with normal controls.

Age & Gender
  • 12 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Minority Health
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

EASINESS Prospective molecular analysis In metastatic breast cancer patients treated with antibody drug conjugates

The purpose of this study is to determine if it is possible to identify biomarkers that tell us what type of response a person with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) will have to "antibody-drug conjugates" (ADCs).

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Cancer (Breast)
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Residency Training in Mental and Behavioral Health

Purpose: To evaluate the implementation of the UNC Family Medicine behavioral health curriculum for 42 Family Medicine residents annually (98 over the course of 5 years); Participants: UNC Family Medicine residents Procedures (methods): We will analyze results of an annual survey that is administered to residents over the course of their residency 4 times: 1 at the start of their initial residency year (PGY1), 2 follow ups at the beginning of their 2nd and 3rd years of residency (PGY2 & PGY3), and 1 final at the end of their 3rd year of residency (PGY3). In addition, we will follow up with residents as able annually for 3 years after residency, 1 time per year using a post-graduation survey.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 60 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • UNC or UNC Health employees
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Effects of stakeholder feedback on the development of a shoulder injury reduction program

Describe the effects of stakeholder feedback in the development and implementation of a shoulder injury reduction program.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • UNC or UNC Health employees
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Telestroke Infrastructure, Processes, and Implementation Strategies

We survey hospital staff to gather information about telemedicine programs being used for stroke patients in hospitals in the U.S.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Brain, Head, Nervous System
  • Heart and Circulation
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Modeling Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Disparities in Tobacco Use

The purpose of the study is to gather feedback about a theoretical model describing how racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in tobacco use arise and persist.

Age & Gender
  • 21 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Behavior
  • Minority Health
  • Substance Use (tobacco, alcohol, opioids, etc)
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Entrepreneurship in Guatemala

Prior research emphasizes that opportunities are a "foundational element in entrepreneurship," including their "identification evaluation, and implementation." (Foo, et al. 2020; Shane & Venkataraman, 2000). Entrepreneurial opportunities are those "opportunities to bring into existence new goods, services, raw materials, and organizing methods that allow outputs to be sold at more than their cost of production." (Shane & Venkataraman, 2000). The opportunity recognition and exploitation process is critical for venture growth and success, as it is the means by which entrepreneurs differentiate themselves from competitors and earn a sustainable profit. Yet "[m]uch is left unanswered on the opportunity recognition process in emerging regions." (Foo, et al. 2020). While researchers have developed theoretical propositions as to how entrepreneurs in developing countries may identify and exploit opportunities, we have little empirical knowledge about this critical entrepreneurial process in the developing country context, leading to calls for further research. (Dencker, et al. 2021; Foo,

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Opinions and Perceptions
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
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