The purpose of this research study is to evaluate the effects of HM15211 in people with NASH. This study will also evaluate study drug levels in your body and the time it takes your body to eliminate the drug (pharmacokinetics or PK) and what the study drug does to the body (pharmacodynamics or PD).
Interprofessional education experiences is now an integral part of accreditation criteria for health professional schools, and as a result, programs have had to implement interprofessional learning opportunities for all students. While strong models exist for didactic interprofessional training, there is a great need for interprofessional practice opportunities for students to apply the skills that they are learning. The practice environment often varies in how collaboration is viewed, and therefore, students may feel there is a gap between the 'ideal' collaborative environment of which they have been taught, and the reality of the practice setting. This can cause frustration for students, preceptors, and faculty. There is a great need to develop an assessment of the interprofessional clinical learning environment and to provide sites with the skills needed to maximize collaborative practice and learning opportunities. Additionally, a site assessment process can help clinical sites better prepare for improving current learning processes.
We are validating a revised questionnaire that looks at the quality of dying and death a patient experiences at end of life.
collect samples from patients with IBD
The purpose of the study is to examine the implementation and impact of combining mental health probation and a supported employment intervention on employment, mental health and other outcomes for probationers with mental illnesses.
Since the 1990s, educational research on core concepts and development of related concept inventories have led to the adoption of a new evidence-based paradigm for undergraduate teaching in foundational courses in biology, chemistry, physics, physiology and several other STEM disciplines. The transformative power and effectiveness of this conceptual approach has been demonstrated repeatedly through a quarter century of educational research and development in several science and mathematical disciplines undergirding pharmacy and have provided an evidence-based path to assess instruction methods and compare teaching approaches. Pharmacy education currently has no agreed upon, evidence-based criteria for determining what foundational knowledge content is most important to teach - and most important for students to demonstrate they have learned - prior to licensure and practice. The purpose of this study is to identify the core concepts of pharmacy.
We are evaluating the effectiveness of a quality improvement project being conducted by the UNC Health Alliance. Participants include seven independent primary care pratices. The project is one year in length and has been delivered virtually.
The purpose of this research study is to understand better how Black or African American employees may shift the way they talk in workplace contexts.
This study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of work support services which are offered to residents of public housing in Charlotte, North Carolina. Through data analysis and interview collection, this study hopes to examine how cities can best combat unemployment brought on by the pandemic among public housing residents.
We are looking at the unintended consequences of family resources in women without siblings that were born during times of China's implementation of the One Child Policy. This will help determine how the family resources may have led to an increase in economic wealth and other social factors in Chinese society today.