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2779 studies match your search
By physician referral or invitation only

Attitudes Toward Trauma-Informed Care Among Specialized Instructional Support Personnel

This research uses the Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) Scale to gauge the readiness of school mental health practitioners (i.e., school psychologists, social workers, and counselors) to shift toward trauma-sensitive systems. Despite the reliance on school mental health practitioners in this movement, little research exists on their preparedness for and training in trauma-informed approaches. In hope of better situating schools to act as buffers against the adverse effects of childhood trauma, this research seeks to inform graduate and professional-level training on disciplinary practice, causes of student behavior, and the protective nature of secure adult relationships.

Age & Gender
  • 22 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Behavior
  • Developmental
  • Parents of Children
  • and 3 more
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Social Distancing Task Force

The purpose of this study is to use research to create social distancing communication campaigns for NC.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Behavior
  • Healthy Volunteer or General Population
  • COVID-19
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

NPM Fellow Delivery Room Feedback

Purpose is provide feedback to trainees regarding their performance in the care of babies in the delivery room. Feedback is critical to their education.

Age & Gender
  • 21 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • UNC or UNC Health employees
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Transitions Clinic Network: Post Incarceration Addiction Treatment, Healthcare, & Social Supports

TCN PATHS is a Justice Community Opioid Innovations Network (JCOIN) study in collaboration with UNC-CH, Yale, The University of Puerto Rico, The Hennepin Research Institute, University of Rochester, University of Connecticut, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and the University of Miami, aims to improve health outcomes for justice involved persons with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). Opioid overdose is the leading cause of death, and a common cause of morbidity, after release from jail. Recently, because medications for OUD effectively reduced relapse, recidivism and overdose, several jails have started to treat OUD with medications. However, OUD treatment discontinuation upon release is a persistent problem. The long-term goal of the study is to reduce morbidity and mortality from OUD among justice-involved individuals. The overall objective is to assess whether the Transitions Clinic Network (TCN), which provides enhanced primary care for people released from incarceration in 30 community health centers in the United States,

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Injury/Injury Prevention
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Social Networks and Party Identity

The goal is to determine whether and how one's social network affects their party identity.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Opinions and Perceptions
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Culture Formation with Tech Startups

In an effort to develop a theory about how organizational culture forms in new organizations, we are interviewing key figures at 12 tech startups about elements related to culture.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 70 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Social or Workplace Dynamics
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

COVID Vaccine Side Effect and Work Impact

To collect data about the side effects to the COVID vaccine from UNC Hospital employees and physicians and to measure the impact of these side effects on the individuals ability to do their jobs.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • UNC or UNC Health employees
  • COVID-19
  • UNC Students (undergrad, grad, professional)
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

HIV investigator survey

explore their experiences with HIV remission ("cure") trials that also include treatment interruption

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Electrophysiological Mechanisms of Memory Change in Mild Cognitive Impairment

The purpose of this research study is to use electroencephalography (EEG) to refine our understanding of the neural mechanisms that give rise to the memory changes observed in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The information we learn from doing this study may help improve diagnosis of MCI in the future.

Age & Gender
  • 60 years ~ 90 years
  • Male, Female
Study Interest
  • Aging
  • Brain, Head, Nervous System
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Brain Development and Behavior in Preadolescence

We are no longer recruiting for this study. With the participants we do have, we obtain MRI images of the child's brain and administer cognitive behavioral assessments every 2 years. We are looking at brain structure, along with the assessments, to hopefully find biomarkers that predict mental illness.

Age & Gender
  • 12 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female
Study Interest
  • Behavior
  • Child and Teen Health
  • Mental and Emotional Health
  • and 2 more
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
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