Do you have a newborn baby? Do you also live in Lenoir, Pitt, Craven or Wayne County, NC? If so, you may be able to take part in a research study to find out if drinking bottled water with fluoride can help prevent cavities in children. Compensation provided.
Are you a Black Latino/a/x (Afro-Latino/a/x) adult living in North Carolina? Would you be interested in sharing your experiences of what it means to be Afro-Latino in your day-to-day life and how it relates to your health? If so, you may be able to participate to a study that focuses on Afro-Latinos and their health, with a particular interest in cardiovascular health. Compensation provided. ¿Eres un adulto Latino Afro-descendiente (Afro-Latino) viviendo en Carolina del Norte? ¿Le interesaría compartir sus experiencias de lo que significa ser Afro-Latino en su vida cotidiana y como es relacionada con su salud? Si le interesa, puede participar en un estudio que se enfoca en la salud de Afro-Latinos, con interese particular en la salud y los riesgos cardiovasculares. Compensación proporcionada.
Are you interested in public health? Researchers at UNC are exploring groundbreaking vaccine development research and we need your help. We are exploring whether an FDA-approved vaccine provides protection against certain bacteria. Compensation provided.
Are you currently out of work and feeling stressed? Take control of your health today! The NC Works4Health Research Study is designed to help you manage your stress and health and provide a supportive work environment when you move into a new job.
Do you have any of your baby teeth or are you a parent who has kept your child's baby teeth? Are you a young adult or a parent of a child age 25 or under? Did you know scientists can learn all about different medications, foods, and environmental exposures in a child's early life from their teeth? You may be able to take part in a research study to learn what factors increase children's risk of developing EoE (eosinophilic esophagitis)! We are looking for children and young adults (age 0-25) with or without EoE to volunteer. Compensation will be provided.
Are you a generally healthy person? If so, you may able to participate in a research study to find out more about the things that affect lung function and the risk of future lung disease.
How does your baby's environment affect their brain? A child's brain grows quickly during pregnancy and infancy. If you are pregnant in your 2nd or 3rd trimester, you may be eligible to participate in a research study to find out how your environment affects your baby's brain development. Compensation provided.
Are you coming up on your 6-month postpartum checkup? You may be able to take part in this research study to learn about how new moms pursue everyday goals. All study activities can be done in the comfort of your own home and compensation is provided.
Does your child or teen have a history of wheezing or asthma? Your child may be eligible to participate in a registry that will allow us to understand how wheezing and asthma change over time in kids and teens. Compensation provided for in-person study visits. We will also be enrolling some children without a history of wheezing or asthma to serve as a comparison group.
Do you have pain due to knee osteoarthritis? You may be eligible to participate in a research study to find out how pain and weakness due to knee osteoarthritis affect muscle function and inflammation. Compensation provided.