Aim 1: Among key stakeholders in NC impacted by HIV molecular surveillance (HMS) activities, we aim to assess the ethical concerns surrounding the implementation of HMS and related pubic health services and research by: 1a) Characterizing stakeholders' awareness, experiences with, and sources of information AND 1b) Examining perceptions, including perceived risks and benefits and other ethical considerations, and the opportunities for enhancement of community engagement practices Aim 2: To develop a community-engaged partnership framework to promote effective communication and community participation regarding HMS, and related health services and research.
The presence of certain genetic factors in some patients protects them from developing coronary artery disease (CAD). This study seeks to identify these protective genetic factors and to expand our understanding of the genetic contribution to the development of CAD.
The purpose of this study is to document and understand the impact of journal cancellations on the information seeking behaviors of faculty at UNC - Chapel Hill. We are interested in studying the impacts and aftereffects of "Big Deal" cancellation, such as 1) What are the faculty search behaviors when they want to access materials that are not licensed through their university library? 2) What alternative resources do they go to? 3) How much effort do they put in to find known items that are not licensed by their library?
The purpose of this study is to ask experts from three di$erent branches of experts on their opinion regarding the formation of a national vaccination database and the barriers to forming one. This will help us create a review that lays out these opinions from experts
The study serves to identify the challenges of online teaching and learning and to identify effective teaching strategies.
I want to document a local language called Rusitène, spoken alongside Italian in Southern Italy but different from it. This language has under 2000 speakers and is at risk of disappearing, and with it, the associated culture and local knowledge.
We hope to maintain a list of patients with vascular anomalies, serum and plasma samples, and samples of biopsied tissues to facilitate future research
Understand how negotiations impact a consumer's willingness-to-pay for the product
The purpose of this study is to assist designers of decision-making tools, such as the Hazardous Extremes for Risk Assessments (HERA) and the Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) tools on the Convergence website, in producing efficient and informative products. Tools being developed by CISA and SERCC are intended for use by public health and emergency management/preparedness officials and other decision-makers charged with the welfare of those at risk from hazardous weather and climate events. Based on study results, website tools can be modified to be more useful and informative to those who need them to make decisions regarding exposure to and impacts from severe weather and extreme climate events.
The purpose of this study is to identify the best technique for engaging learners in a think-pair-share teaching strategy. Due to the amount of online instruction happening, this research is important because it help teachers blend student collaboration into online settings.