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2779 studies match your search
By physician referral or invitation only

Understanding the long-term impact of COVID on children and families

The reason we are doing this study is to understand why some people who got COVID-19 are still sick many months after being infected, and how this affects the body. This is sometimes called "Long COVID" or "PASC", which stands for post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection. As part of the study, we would like to get information from you, and put that together with information from other children and families across the country. This will make it easier for us to learn about the different symptoms that children and families are getting, and to understand how many children and families are getting Long COVID, why some children and families are getting Long COVID, the effects that Long COVID is having on the body, and what can be done to help them.

Age & Gender
  • 0 years ~ 25 years
  • Male, Female
Study Interest
  • Child and Teen Health
  • Parents of Children
  • COVID-19
  • and 2 more
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Evaluating the implementation of a clinic-community partnership for childhood obesity treatment

The objective of the proposed project is to develop and test an implementation strategy that pairs primary care pediatric clinics with municipal Parks and Recreation (P&R) centers to deliver the current treatment recommendations for childhood obesity, while allowing crucial adaptations for the local and cultural context.

Age & Gender
  • 6 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Child and Teen Health
  • Obesity
  • Parents of Children
  • Wellness and Lifestyle
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

UNCPM 22117 - Kaposi Sarcoma chemotherapy and research (KS-CARE)

The purpose of this study is to help us better understand how patients with KS will respond to treatment with chemotherapy. We know from previous research studies that even though chemotherapy cannot cure KS, it can help a lot to improve symptoms caused by KS and cause KS lesions to become less or even go away for long periods of time.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Cancer (Sarcoma (bone and soft tissue))
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Exploring the efficacy of CS1 (sodium valproate) Delayed-Release Capsules in Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability, efficacy of 3 doses of CS1 (sodium valproate) Delayed-Release Capsules in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The evaluation of CS1 will be done in patients with PAH who also have or are willing to use the CardioMEMS Heart Failure System. repeated measurements of PAP and other hemodynamic parameters.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 80 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Chronic Conditions
  • Heart and Circulation
  • Lungs and Breathing
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Floodplain management

Flooding is a frequent, expensive, and life-threatening hazard across the United States. Some towns have limited flooding damage by limiting the amount of new development in floodplains (areas known to be at risk of repeat flooding). This project explores why some towns have been able to limit development while others have aggressively built in the floodplains. We interview local stakeholders and residents in eight towns (four that have limited floodplain development and four that have not). We will ask about regulations that limit development and control flood risk in their towns. We will ask about why these regulations were or were not adopted, the process of adoption, how they are enforced, and any challenges faced. We will ask about their experiences with the regulations and their perceptions of flood risks. Our goal is to identify lessons learned that can help other towns improve their floodplain management.

Age & Gender
  • 19 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Environment
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Speech in Primary Progressive Aphasia Study

Develop better methods to diagnose speech difficulties in Primary Progressive Aphasia to allow more specific treatments.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Brain, Head, Nervous System
  • Language and Speech
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Cardiovascular Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease Study

Comparing effects of a drug called ziltivekimab versus a placebo on heart disease and chronic kidney disease.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female
Study Interest
  • Heart and Circulation
  • Kidneys and Liver
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

1115 Waiver Evaluation: Mid-Point Assessment

As part of its commitment to expand access to treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs), North Carolina's Department of Health and Human Services is pursuing a Section 1115 demonstration waiver to strengthen its SUD delivery system. Part of the waiver process involved a mid-point assessment of the implementation plan and recommendations to be delivered to the NC DHHS.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Mental and Emotional Health
  • Substance Use (tobacco, alcohol, opioids, etc)
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only


The SISTER study is comparing different kinds of support for Black patients during endometrial cancer treatment. SISTER is a "randomized controlled trial", or RCT. This means that if you decide to volunteer, a computer will assign you to a group. There are three groups in the study, and you will get support no matter what group you are in. You will also complete surveys and give us permission to collect information from your medical record that is related to the study.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Female
Study Interest
  • Cancer (Uterine (endometrial))
  • Women's Health
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
By physician referral or invitation only

Improving communication about HPV vaccination

We are surveying primary care providers to find areas to improve how they communicate about and recommend HPV vaccine to their adolescent patients and families.

Age & Gender
  • 18 years ~ 99 years
  • Male, Female, Gender Inclusive
Study Interest
  • Behavior
Visit Location
100% Remote (online, phone, text)
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