The overall purpose of this study is to explore teachers' racial ideology and specifically, the ways white teachers with varying teacher ideologies represent whiteness in K-12 education. The study consists of two phases. The purpose of the first phase is to examine all teachers' attitudes towards race, both white and Teachers of Color. The purpose of the second phase is to explore white teachers' racial ideology and the ways they represent whiteness in K-12 education with varying teacher ideologies. The results will inform higher education faculty and programs for the purpose of integrating curriculum that will aid teachers to acknowledge their racial ideology, how it influences teaching practices in the classroom, and develop strategies to interrupt the its impact it has on students. This is necessary to assist will aid teachers to serve students effectively.
The purpose of this study is to understand community perception and public use of the Bolin Creek Greenway prior to the completion of the trail. Conclusions from this study will be helpful in serving the needs of the community moving forward, with the construction of this greenway and other public trails.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness and safety of a medication for patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta Types I, III, or IV.
The purpose of this study is to understand employee reactions to observations about their coworkers. Specifically, we are interested in employees' responses to the ethical and unethical actions of their coworkers.
Collecting nasal swab samples from symptomatic subjects potentially infected with COVID19 or influenza. These samples will be used to compare diagnostic testing accuracy of the new Panbio device panel versus other comparative devices.
This study aims to understand how students can do better in school when they face distractions and challenges. We know distractions from technology and other things can make it hard for students to learn. The study looks at two important things: first, how students can make plans to reach their goals, and second, how having more control over their learning (called "autonomy") might help. Researchers want to see if these two things together can make a big difference in how well students learn. Participants in the study will get to learn helpful strategies and might see improvements in their school performance. The goal is to find ways that make learning easier for students and help them do well in their studies.
The goal of our study is to test out technology and tests with adults with intellectual disability and their parents. We want to use what we learn from this study to improve an exercise program that we created for adults with intellectual disability.
This is a pilot study to test out gathering data about activity context in patients who are receiving cardiac rehabilitation after a heart event. The results will inform a larger study of context sedentary behavior in the same population.
We want to understand the relationship between racial microaggressions and substance use among different Asian American ethnic groups in the United States. We will also study how strength of ethnic identity moderates this relationship. Lastly, we will assess participants' perceptions of their healthcare providers' roles in substance use screening, brief intervention, and treatment.
To engage parents of children with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) (or ARFID-like symptoms) to provide feedback and input on the recruitment, design, and conduct of a genetic study of ARFID to inform future studies.